
Nody v1.0 - React Js Landing Page Template

Posted By
Peyton Cooper


September 08 2024

Key Features

  • Open source

  • Use in commercial projects

  • Life time free updates

  • Compatible Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

  • Well Documentation

  • High Resolution Graphics

  • Responsive Design

  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Regular Security Updates

  • Community Support

  • Accessibility Features

  • Custom Plugin

  • Add-on Support

  • Customizable Themes and Layouts

© All Rights Reserved Free Theme Hub


A versatile Bootstrap 4 landing page template is Nody React Js. For startups, businesses, applications, SaaS, marketing, agencies, businesses, etc., it is a great HTML template. It was created using Bootstrap 4.6.0 and is totally responsive. Users will adore your website since it offers them a special user experience (UX) as well as a clear, contemporary, and lovely design. It will be simple for you to modify it to suit your needs.



Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4.6.0

Build with ReactJS

6+ Different Home Pages

SCSS Support

2 Different Variations

Light and Dark Support

Built with HTML5 and CSS3

Font Icons

Google Fonts

Easy to Customize

Cross-browser optimization

Working Contact Form

Clean code

Modern Design

And much more...

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