
Freeio v1.0.6 - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Posted By
Isaac Davidson


September 19 2024

Key Features

  • Open source

  • Use in commercial projects

  • Life time free updates

  • Compatible Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

  • Well Documentation

  • High Resolution Graphics

  • Responsive Design

  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Regular Security Updates

  • Community Support

  • Accessibility Features

  • Custom Plugin

  • Add-on Support

  • Customizable Themes and Layouts

© All Rights Reserved Free Theme Hub


Freeio is an intriguing WordPress theme for a freelance marketplace with top-notch coding. You can develop a comprehensive and fully Responsive freelance marketplace or other projects o...


Freeio is an intriguing WordPress theme for a freelance marketplace with top-notch coding. You can develop a comprehensive and fully Responsive freelance marketplace or other projects of a similar nature with this theme. The design is cutting-edge, but it also places a strong emphasis on usability, visual hierarchy, and aesthetics to make it simple for people to navigate.


Fields Manager
Restrict Job
- View job page:
All (Users, Guests)
All Register Users
Register Freelancers (All registered freelancers can view jobs.)
Always Hidden
Restrict Freelancer
- View freelancer page:
All (Users and Guests)
All Register Users
Only Applicants (Employer can view only their own applicants freelancers)
Register Employers (All registered employers can view freelancers.)
Register Employers with package Registered employers who purchased CV Package can view freelancers.
View freelancer contact info:
All (Users and Guests)
All Register Users
Only Applicants (Employer can view only their own applicants freelancers)
Register Employers (All registered employers can view freelancers.)
All users can view freelancers, but only employers with package can see contact information. (Users who purchased Contact Package can see contact information.)
Restrict Employer
View freelancer page:
All (Users and Guests)
All Register Users
Only Applicants (Freelancers can view only their own applicants employers.)
Register Freelancers (All registered freelancers can view employers.)
Always Hidden
View freelancer contact info:
All (Users and Guests)
All Register Users
Only Applicants (Freelancers can view only their own applicants employers.)
Register Freelancers (All registered freelancers can view employers.)
Always Hidden
Add a project in frontend
Add a service in frontend
Add a job in frontend
Highly Customizable
Extensive Admin Interface
One-click Demo Import
No coding knowledge required
Page Templates
Responsive and retina-ready
Large collection of useful inner pages
Choose your grid size
Boxed layout option
Powerful typography options
Translation ready
WooCommerce compatible
Powerful sorting options for job listings, services, projects and resumes
Multiple ways of showcasing job listings, services, projects and resumes
Listing List shortcode
Listing Search shortcode
Listing Advanced Search shortcode
Listing Simple Search shortcode
Resume List shortcode
Resume Advanced Search shortcode
User login
User Dashboard page template
Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn login
Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn apply for jobs.
Pricing Tables shortcode
Comparison Pricing Tables shortcode
Smooth Page Transitions
Fontawsome and Flaticon
User Login Form
User Notification
Here maps
Google maps
Mapbox maps

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