
FoodBoard v1.0 - Food Order Wizard with Online Payment

Posted By
Peyton Cooper


September 16 2024

Key Features

  • Open source

  • Use in commercial projects

  • Life time free updates

  • Compatible Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

  • Well Documentation

  • High Resolution Graphics

  • Responsive Design

  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Regular Security Updates

  • Community Support

  • Accessibility Features

  • Custom Plugin

  • Add-on Support

  • Customizable Themes and Layouts

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Food Board is an HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, PHP, and Bootstrap4-based, fully responsive, straightforward, and clean meal ordering wizard. Food Board's PHP engine enables it to process online payments through the secure Stripe checkout. The user has two payment choices to select from: online payment or cash on delivery. In each instance, a structured summary table is displayed at the conclusion of the order, and an email is also sent to the user and the site owner as a notification.



Clean and fully responsive layout
A working payment gateway powered by Stripe
Order steps wizard
Lazy loading images
Mail notification sending with PHP Mailer
Integrated Google Map
Sticky cart
Sticky navigation
Sliding mobile menu
Impressive animations
Smooth scroll
Isotope filters
Cost calculation
Working cart functions like: add, delete, increase, and decrease
Gallery and description popup
Valid code
Various icons
Working forms with validation
Well documented
Quick and friendly support by UWS

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