
Dashforge v2.0.0 - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Posted By
Jackson Bennett


September 08 2024

Key Features

  • Open source

  • Use in commercial projects

  • Life time free updates

  • Compatible Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

  • Well Documentation

  • High Resolution Graphics

  • Responsive Design

  • User-Friendly Interface

  • Regular Security Updates

  • Community Support

  • Accessibility Features

  • Custom Plugin

  • Add-on Support

  • Customizable Themes and Layouts

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Dashforge is a fully responsive, premium-quality admin dashboard template with a clean, modern, straightforward, and professional style ideal for your dashboard, analytics, and application projects. It is built on top of the most recent Bootstrap version. It has more than a hundred reusable parts that have been upgraded and enhanced. Amazing adaptability and reuse.



  • The latest Bootstrap 5 version
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • SASS Powered
  • jQuery Powered
  • Horizontal and Vertical Navigation Layouts
  • 4 Pre-built Dashboard Templates
  • 1000+ Font Icons
  • 500+ Reusable Components
  • One Page Capable
  • 3 Navigation Skins
  • Skin Customizer
  • Pre-built Apps (Mailbox, Chat, Contacts, File Manager, Calendar, etc.)
  • Pre-built Pages (Signin, Signup, Error Pages, etc.)
  • Creative and Flexible Charts (Flot, Morris, Chart.js, Sparkline, Peity)
  • Form Validation
  • Form Wizards
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Tables and DataTables
  • Google Maps, Leaflet Maps, and jQVMap
  • Modal collections
  • Addon Utilities and Helper Classes
  • Unlimited Template Possibilities
  • FREE Lifetime Updates
  • and much, much more...

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